#Explore 55 tons of #crystal in a #cave!

Crystal Cave - Mexico.:

  Picture of explorers in Mexico's giant Cave of Crystals

Giant Crystal Cave is in Mexico.  The largest crystal here is over 55 tons!! It’s relatively unexplored b/c the inside is 136F temp! Talk about saunaaaaaa! (Apparently this will kill a normal human being in 30 minutes!) The other reason why it’s unexplored is b/c it’s naturally full of water but b/c of modern technology they’ve been pumping away the water to study the crystals. The scientists even made their own special refrigerator suits to hang out and study in there. Good idea.

#crystal #cave #mexico #unique #extreme #travel #nature

Swim with Jellyfish…with no stress.

Jellyfish Lake in Palau

This lake is in Eil Malk, Micronesia. They don’t have stingers! I’ve actually swum with Jellyfish out at the Great barrier reef… they didn’t have stingers either although I didn’t know that in the beginning. It was amazing… they glow a little bit in the water and they kind of feel like… snot. slippery and … gooey feeling. or maybe that’s just my snot.

Swim with jellyfish!

#travel, #jellyfish, #nature, #micronesia